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High Fives

DISCLAIMER: Testimonials reflect the real life experiences of clients who have received Life Force energy healing / Biofield energy healing / prayers to God / God's Grace / Divine energy blessings from Patricia Rowe. However, individual results may vary. Patricia Rowe does not claim, nor should the reader assume, that any individual experience recounted is typical or representative of what any other client might experience. Testimonials are also not intended, nor should they be construed, as claims that Patricia Rowe's Life Force energy healing ability / Biofield energy healing ability / prayer to God / ability to harness God's Grace / Divine energy blessing can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease or health condition. No testimonial has been clinically proven or evaluated, and no health claims have been made. Patricia Rowe does not give any guarantee to provide any kind of health benefits.

That was a wonderful blessing that I am still experiencing opening. Very powerful moon in a special time astrologically.

My meditations these past 2 days have been better.


“Your energy blessing was huge, I could hardly move on my chair. Thanks so much. At the beginning, dark blue with some gold and at the end were intercalating flashes of electric violet and light green. Very Strong at the end.”

Nati M.

The energy healing was powerful. I felt a lot of heat on my spine, specially at the nape of the neck. I have been with many recurrent thoughts lately so It was a little difficult to shut them down but after some time I was in the flow, very light golden light.

Nati M.

“Patricia is an amazing healer! Her knowledge of a variety of modalities, wisdom and gifts have helped my healing on every level: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Her work is on the cutting edge and has been scientifically validated in studies. She is very caring with a unique blend of heart and mind. If you’re looking for a healer you can trust with your overall healing, go no further. Patricia is the real deal and I highly recommend her!”

Christina R.

The meeting tonight was great and the blessing was so wonderful. It came down over my head so warm and it was pulsing like almost as though I was under a waterfall, the pressure of it. It was warm and pulsing from my head down into my chest. First time I ever felt it like that. Thank you Patricia!!! I really needed that.

Joan P.

Patricia is unbelievable. She was completely in tune with me and her clearing/healing helped me to finally get up the courage to start asking for what I need in life. This is something I have been working on for years, but after a few sessions with Patricia I felt determination come over me like I never had before. I’ve seen amazing transformation in both my career, personal life, and my self esteem. I’ve started taking positive steps for myself that I never thought possible.

Liz O.

“I have received three Blessings from Patricia. After each blessing my experience was notably different. Before receiving the first one, I was having difficulties sleeping and mood swings due to lack of rest. After the first Blessing, I started to have profound rest from my sleep and felt replenished every time I woke up. Another change I noticed was the feeling of compassion for other people; a long-standing anger that I felt for a friend disappeared. By the second Blessing, my stamina continued to grow, and I became more active 3-4 days after it. By the third Blessing, I had significant improvement in my skin and my face was glowing. I highly recommend Patricia’s Blessings to address any desired outcome in one’s life.”

Natalie M.

“Your energy healing today was sublime; that’s the word that has shown up to describe it. It did not seem as strong/forceful/powerful as one on Tuesday or Wednesday. I can’t find the words to describe it but I really enjoyed it. I kind of felt that time was standing still. Like I was really experiencing the moment. Just gratitude and being…


On Monday, I can’t say I felt anything but I do realize that doesn’t mean it did nothing. Or, maybe that’s what it was supposed to do; open me into nothingness…


I appreciate being so fortunate as to be a recipient of these blessings/energy healings. And I am grateful for the opportunities and shifts that occur with them, even if I cannot logically determine what they are and even when I can’t seem to find the words to describe the experience. Perhaps these are the more powerful ones”

Pamela B.

“Since receiving energy healings from Patricia, I have noticed that I can accomplish more and that none of my efforts seem laborious. The day moves smoothly and my time seems more productive. I am no longer bothered about whatever the task at hand might be. All just flows rhythmically and naturally like the breath.


Perhaps the most powerful outcome of these accumulated Blessings is that they have adjusted my perspective with regards to the wonder of Life. I do not find myself dwelling in the past, caught up in past mistakes, regretting things I could have or should have done differently. Neither do I find myself projecting toward the future, looking to tomorrow, next week, or the next year to fulfill (my) objectives. I find myself alive in the present moment with increased excitement and acceptance for whatever it is that is happening Now.


Simply put, these energy healings are transforming my outlook on life. I have been blessed with a true sense of freedom and delight in being able to appreciate the wonder that the present moment brings. Life has become more fulfilling as I become more and more able to uncover the simplicity and sacredness in each moment. This shift has brought a lasting peace, calmness, and appreciation as the true meaning of life unfolds, detached from outcome and expectation(s). And, there is nothing I had to do to achieve this shift. It just happened…quietly, naturally, and effortlessly as a cumulative result of Patricia’s energy healings.”

Pamela B.

“Patricia is one of the smartest women I know. She helps others rise up to meet their full potential. She is a warm compassionate healer with God-given skills. She’s helped numerous friends and family members of mine though her healings. I call her God’s gift to humanity. She has been a total blessing in my life in so many ways!


What’s most impressive to me is that every time I talk with her, I learn something on a deeper level. Through her teaching and workshops, I find my knowledge and spirituality evolving. It’s an incredible experience to be a part of and I feel that I’m always moving toward a higher spiritual level. She is my teacher and I am so proud to call her my friend.”

Joan P.

“I could feel the effect of your Blessing, finally I finished a project I was procrastinating for a year…thanks!!! works really well with me.”

Natalie M.

“When I get energy work from Patricia, I often feel more aware of my life. Sometimes that’s a deeper connection when I pray. Often it’s a clear discernment about what are my emotional thoughts and feelings coming up and what are someone else’s. Occasionally things will come up for me to look at but I am more able to release the feelings rather than identifying with them. I have objective compassion for myself and others.”


“Patricia has been my teacher, my healer, my friend for many years. I called her today with a problem. As we were talking Patricia was explaining something. Suddenly what I thought I knew I got on a whole different level. I told Patricia every time I talk to her I am learning something on a whole different level that I’m not sure I would have accomplished by myself. I am always learning on a higher level when I talk to Patricia. That’s a gift not every teacher has. Patricia is amazing!”

Joan P

“Thank you for the healing you sent. I slept extremely deeply Wednesday night and woke up refreshed on Thursday. It seemed like I was able to handle everything in my life with more ease and perspective. Thursday-despite working in a new place and having a busy patient load, I felt great. Thursday night was another very deep sleep. Overall I have put much of the anxiety behind me from the incident earlier this week. Thank you very much for the healing.”

Maria R.

“My son was traveling abroad. There were several times I felt extremely agitated and worried about what would happen as he was traveling alone and in unusual places. I felt extremely comforted and assured that he was protected and watched over after doing sessions with Patricia about the travels. It’s as though her work goes beyond that of being a prayer warrior to someone who has the ability to do intercessory prayers on my behalf when I am too inside my head and emotions to be effective.”


“Patricia Rowe is a truly gifted healer. I have been working with her over the last several years and continue to be impressed with her level of commitment as an energy healer working with Divine Light. Her many years of integrating different modalities have catalyzed her towards becoming a Master Healer helping me to energetically align with my Divinity while allowing me to become open to healing on all levels. As a result of her working on me, I am experiencing a greater sense of clarity, intuition, and focus. The healing work she does on me has helped smooth the way for me to be more fully present with the feelings of being led and guided towards the best treatment options for me while I am developing a greater sense of Self Love. In addition, I have noticed a significant decrease in physical pain for which I am thankful. Although it has been challenging time dealing with the emotions of a diagnosis, her ongoing support in the form of energy work, phone support and emails have been invaluable. Her generous, compassionate heart, present moment awareness, wisdom, and guidance, in addition to her expert healing work, have helped me with feeling more connected spiritually, living more fully in gratitude, and trusting that I am receiving whatever I need to heal. I am very grateful for Patricia Rowe.”

Christine R.

“I have been receiving energy healings from Patricia for several months. She is a compassionate, loving and powerful healer. I have been amazed! Immediately, I felt grounded and deeply connected. Over time I am noticing a shift in all areas of my life, most profoundly, I am feeling inspired to improve my health. I have started a walking regime, after years of not wanting too. I have started to improve my diet namely having the courage and fortitude to give up sugar. Thank you doesn’t do justice to the deep gratitude I feel. Patricia, without the healings from you, I have no doubt the numerous shifts wouldn’t be possible and so effortless.”


“I woke up 30 min ago, what a sleep!! Thanks so much!! I told M last night how different is the energy you send when you are sending a blessing in comparison with PH, even though you are the same healer! First of all, right after the blessing I deeply relaxed and finally! My mind stopped chattering, what a relief! Today I woke up calm. Thanks again!”

Natalie M.

“As far as the last energy healing I think it was very helpful. Here is what I experienced. I was very relaxed the whole time and right before the end felt sense of completion. I could tell the energy healing was over before you said so. I saw a big triangle or possibly big mountain in my mind. After that I did fall asleep for over 2 hours. I was shocked at how long I slept. I woke up with a dream about needing to change the position of our bed and send a blessing to our land in honor of spring time.


Previously the head of the bed was in the north now its in the west which was pretty much the only other direction it could work in the bedroom. We do like how this feels a lot better. Now we have a direct view of the mountains and sunrise. Over the next few days I fell asleep during Alden’s nap time and slept the whole time very deeply sometimes for 2 hours each time.  We have each found and met with a therapist which is something both of us have wanted and tried to do for several years but without success. It feels good to move forward with this.”

Maria L.


Patricia Rowe is a natural-born energy healer who is a promoter of Life Force science and pioneer in the field of Life Force energy healing.  She has the ability to harness and transmit Life Force energy from nature, which helps her clients transform their lives and reach their true potential.


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Wilton, New Hampshire, USA

(603) 320-1681

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